Locks cover

“Pleasure to work with. I found Sara to be prompt, professional and straight to the point. I was actually shocked to see how many small errors Sara had noticed that were missed by me and my untrained proofreaders. Thanks again.”
Ashleigh NugentRiseUp, UK
[edited & proofread Locks novel, July 2020]

This is feedback from a customer I worked with in July 2020, editing his novel, Locks. I asked him questions when I needed to and you can tell he was very happy with the work I did from his feedback (“pleasure to work with”). This novel was published on Amazon on 21 September 2020, which I am immensely proud of. 

I can do the same work for you, whatever you need editing – novel, magazine, website, blog, essay, dissertation, CV or resume, book or novel, just name it.

All Of You Need Editing!

You may not think you need any copy edited, but I bet you do! Or maybe you may have an email or letter you were thinking of sending – to an MP, councillor, school, university, government department, shop or whatever – but weren’t sure about the language you used. That can be edited to perfection by me!

You may have a letter or email of complaint, yet again you’re not certain the language you used is right.

ANYTHING you need edited, I can sort out for you! All you have to do is get in touch with me and I will make it happen.

Book Me

There’s a lot of positive feedback on my Testimonials page, so please take a look to see their comments. There are also reviews on FacebookYellYelpFree Index and My Local Services. I always do my best work when people really need me, so please take a look at the services I offer and get in touch!

I’ll then send you a quote of my price and we can take it from there. Once we’ve agreed a price, I will do the work and send the edited document back to you via email (or, if it’s a big file, via a dropbox, WeTransfer or whatever means you prefer).

You can then either pay me directly through your bank or through PayPal (all my details are on the invoice I will send you). I also have an IBAN and BIC, so international payments can be made.

It’s guaranteed you will be happy with the work I do! I will make any amendments you require at no extra charge. Happy customers are my reason to keep going, which is why I’ve been successful so far.

I look forward to hearing from you. You can also email me at [email protected].