Editing Work

Editing Work

Above is the cover of the latest (August/September 2024) issue of Black Beauty & Hair magazine I’ve been editing. I’ve been working on this magazine since April 2019, so clearly I’m doing a great job. I could also do this for you!

This is the feedback I received from the editor-in-chief of Black Beauty & Hair when I first started working for her:

“I found Sara Davies of Prootheword through the findaproofreader.com website. I picked Sara because she had the experience that I was looking for, she could work flexibly and her quote for the work I wanted done was reasonable. Sending Sara the work was remarkably hassle-free and she was able to turn it around quickly. I would definitely recommend her services.”– Irene Shelley, editor-in-chief, Black Beauty & Hair magazine, UK[copy edited & proofread June/July issue of Black Beauty & Hair magazine, April 2019 onwards]


If you need any document editing, I can do the work for you. It could be an essay, dissertation, thesis, article, magazine, blog, website or book. I have edited them all and would be happy to do the work for you. I generally use Word, Libre Office, Excel, PowerPoint or InDesign, but can download any program that you’ve worked with. I can edit using both UK & US English as I understand the spelling and grammar of both. 

I know all the latest academic style guides (Harvard, Chicago, APA and so on), so editing references, citations and bibliographies is not a problem. The feedback I’ve received on my Testimonials page should tell you a lot – I am reliable and do the job I say I will.

So if you need any magazine, article, book, website, essay, dissertation or CV/resume edited, you know where to come. I can edit any Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Libre Office or InDesign document to an exceptional level, and annotate any PDF you require.

Get in touch

I have a lot of positive feedback on my Testimonials page, so please take a look to see their comments. There are also reviews on FacebookYellYelpFree Index and My Local Services. I always do my best work when people really need me, so please take a look at the services I offer and get in touch!


Latest issue of Black Beauty & Hair

Latest issue of Black Beauty & Hair

This is the cover of the latest issue of Black Beauty & Hair (April/May 2024) which I edited. As always, the edior-in-chief, Irene Shelley, was very happy with the work I carried out.

If you have any document which needs editing – essay, dissertation, article, magazine, book or anything else – I am here to help. I have very reasonable prices and will edit for any writer. You could be a student, blogger, job applicant, journalist, publisher or novelist, I will edit your work.

I have over 20 years’ experience editing a wide range of documents. The feedback I’ve received on my Testimonials page should tell you a lot – I am reliable and do the job I say I will.

I have a lot of positive feedback on my Testimonials page, so please take a look to see their comments. There are also reviews on FacebookYellYelpFree Index and My Local Services. I always do my best work when people really need me, so please take a look at the services I offer and get in touch!

Research paper edit

Research paper edit

“Thank you so much for your help!”
– Roro Moi, student, UK
[copy edited paper, February 2024]

Above is my latest feedback from Roro, a student. He sent me his research paper to edit, which I did. He was very happy with the work I did for him.

If anyone out there needs their document edited or proofread, all you need to do is get in touch. I will work with anyone who needs it.

You could be a student, author, journalist, applicant, lecturer, professor – basically anyone. I am happy to work with anyone from any country, as long as your document is in English. I can work with UK and US English – I have extensive experience editing both.

I have over 20 years’ experience editing a wide range of documents. The feedback I’ve received on my Testimonials page should tell you a lot – I am reliable and do the job I say I will.

I have a lot of positive feedback on my Testimonials page, so please take a look to see their comments. There are also reviews on FacebookYellYelpFree Index and My Local Services. I always do my best work when people really need me, so please take a look at the services I offer and get in touch!

“Great job as usual!”

“Great job as usual!”

Bulgarian Air Forse Academy

“Thank you very much! Great job, as usual! I am going to write a dissertation so I will use your service in the future.”
– Valya Tsvetanova, ESP teacher, Air Force Academy, Bulgaria
[copy edited paper, December 2023]

I have been working with Valya since 2021, editing a wide range of documents. These have included conference papers, essays and soon a dissertation. Valya is always very happy with the editing I do for her, as are all my customers.

If you would like to be happy with any editing work you need to be done, all you have to do is get in touch with me.

Book Me

There’s a lot of positive feedback on my Testimonials page, so please take a look to see their comments. There are also reviews on FacebookYellYelpFree Index and My Local Services. I always do my best work when people really need me, so please take a look at the services I offer and get in touch!

I’ll then send you a quote of my price and we can take it from there. Once we’ve agreed a price, I will do the work and send the edited document back to you via email (or, if it’s a big file, via a dropbox, WeTransfer or whatever means you prefer).

You can then either pay me directly through your bank or through PayPal (all my details are on the invoice I will send you). I also have an IBAN and BIC, so international payments can be made.

It’s guaranteed you will be happy with the work I do! I will make any amendments you require at no extra charge. Happy customers are my reason to keep going, which is why I’ve been successful so far.

I look forward to hearing from you. You can also email me at [email protected].

Teaching Students About Importance of Academic Integrity

More educators than ever are wondering whether academic integrity is now a thing of the past in the wake of the latest high-profile collegiate admissions scandal. As a teacher, how do you teach students to be honest and to act in ways that are consistent with good moral standards?

Like it or not, in this 21st century world, a teacher must recognise that s/he is one of the most influential individuals in their students’ lives. As a result, it’s necessary for all educators at all levels to teach students about the overwhelming importance of academic integrity.

The Current Issue

No child is born with a sense of integrity ingrained into his or her moral fibre. This is a learned behaviour and, unfortunately, a behaviour that is becoming increasingly uncommon. In years past, cheating was something done mostly by struggling students. Now, cheating is the norm for students who perform well, too, mostly as they feel the pressure from parents and teachers to get accepted to selective universities.

Unfortunately, students believe that they are justified in cheating and will feel disadvantaged when deprived of the opportunity to cheat. Cheating is a behaviour learned as early as kindergarten and it peaks in high school – over 75% of high school students admit to some kind of academic dishonesty. This behaviour doesn’t go away in college either.

Luckily, as an educator, you are not helpless in your fight against academic dishonesty. Here’s how you can preserve integrity in your classroom.

1. Include Character Education Programmes

The one thing that honest classrooms have in mind is that academic integrity is the norm. Character education is just as important as academic instruction. Teachers should include the fundamental principles of integrity, like presence, honesty and responsibility, in all aspects of the curriculum – from social studies to art. It should not be ignored at the collegiate level either.

2. Reward Success Beyond the Grade Book

A good teacher will make sure that adacdemic integrity is the norm, but won’t just reward success via the grade book. If students are only able to measure their worth through their grades, they will use cheating as a way to feel good about themselves. But when teachers reward students for more difficult to measure characteristics, like respect and hard work, they will be less likely to be dishonest.

Understand that integrity goes beyond the classroom. Everyone has the opportunity to make an honest decision, and you can start by being a role model for your students.

3. Inspire Conversation

Incorporate quote study as part of your curriculum, using famous quotes about moral development as conversation starters. You can also conduct character studies around “celegrities” – celebrities who have stood out for their commitment to civic engagement. These activities will show students that it’s not only wise to be honest, it’s also cool.

4. Turn to Technology

When all else fails, remember that technology is a surefire way that you can reach your students in a medium that they understand. Traditional methods, like lecturing your students, may not be effective. But programs like Turnitin, which monitor student work for academic integrity and streamline grading systems, can help students learn first hand what it means to be honest in a 21st century world.

Another great tool is this Plagiarism Detector, along with a host of similar websites. These checkers can be used to monitor for dishonesty at any level, from high-school English essays to college-level term papers.

5. Respond To Cheating

Despite your best efforts, cheating is bound to happen. Teachers can’t control this. However, they can respond consistently to this and enforce policies. Use dishonest behaviours as teachable moments, helping students to reflect on their behaviour if they are caught cheating. Always be willing to listen and remember to restate that dishonesty is never allowed – under any circumstances.

6. Encourage Autonomy and Self-Belief

Students cheat because they rest all of their self-worth on their grades. Students who believe in core moral principles – as well as those who are self-efficacious – will develop more integrity. Help students learn to believe in themselves by fostering a classroom environment that is open to dialogue of all kinds.

You can easily encourage these behaviours by showing your students your passion for teaching through your attitude and actions. Model your values – don’t just preach to them. Show students that it is possible to overcome obstacles and that being the best isn’t always the most important thing – having academic integrity will always win out.

Book Me

If you need any document (CV or resume, application, essay, dissertation, article, magazine, book, website, etc) edited or proofread, this is is the place to come. I have excellent English-language skills, always work quickly and accurately, and guarantee I will give you a great service at a great price.

Any Word, Excel, PowerPoint, Libre Office or InDesign document you have, and annotate any PDF, I am able to edit. I know all the style sheets out there (Harvard, Chicago, MLA and so on), so can ensure your document fits any required style.

Also, I am incredibly efficient and accurate. I ensure all my work is done to the highest standard, so any edited document I send back to you will be perfect. I pride myself on the great work I do. If you don’t believe me, please take a look at my Testimonials page (just below the Blogs tab).

I am more than happy to revise any work I do if it’s not in line with your requirements, but generally the only time that happens is when people aren’t willing to pay their final invoice (hello Heidi Mumford!).


All you have to do is contact me through my Contact page above or email me at [email protected].

I’ll then send you a quote of my price and we can take it from there. Once we’ve agreed a price, I will do the work and send the edited document back to you via email. If it’s a big file, via a dropbox, WeTransfer or whatever means you prefer.

You can then pay me either directly through your bank or through PayPal. All my details are on the invoice I will send you. I also have an IBAN and BIC, so international payments can be made.

I guarantee you will be happy with the work I do! Any amendments you require I will do at no extra charge. Happy customers are my reason to keep going – why I’ve been successful so far.

There’s a lot of positive feedback on my Testimonials page, so please take a look to see their comments. There are also reviews on FacebookYellYelpFree Index and My Local Services. I always do my best work when people really need me, so please take a look at the services I offer and get in touch.

Look forward to hearing from you. You can also email me at [email protected].